Where'd all the good people go?

To climb requires a bond greater than the strength of any rope. To trust ones companions leads to possibilities. These are essential for success, however it might be defined...

1/2000, F3.5, 50 mm, ISO100 © 2010 Shawn Boye


For a three year old the world is full of possibilities, yet realization requires belief. The last thing he needs is to be told he can't, or to be indoctrinated into a specific way of thinking. What possibilities remain for you?

1/200, F2.8, 32 mm, ISO800 © 2010 Shawn Boye


This is what it's all about! Shawn Boye enjoying the best Vemdalen has to offer.

1/1000, F6.3, 55 mm, ISO200 © 2010 Tielma Productions. Photo Jonatan Nilsson


I've chosen to Boycott 8a! It is a call for change, a recognition of a need for a better community. And an attempt to do something about it... Some don't agree, but then again it's another thing to stand for what you say:

Hej, vill meddela dig om att jag kommer ta avstånd från alla dina produkter och dessutom så mycket som möjligt uppmana andra att göra det. Anledningen till detta är ditt ofattbart pinsamma övergrepp på Jens Larssen. Han är en kontroversiell person, absolut. Men nu har du fan gått för långt. Skandal är bara förnamnet. Börja respektera människor. Dags för en ofentlig ursäkt?

-Anonymous, via email


For some, this is afterski. For others, finishing off your buddy's beer after he left it in the shower, and there's a strange aftertaste of head and shoulders is what it's all about. After all, having to wait a day for the ombudsman to deliver is a bit too long…

1/160, F4.0, 105 mm, ISO400 © 2010 Shawn Boye