The Wherewithal...

Some of the allure in sport climbing definitely lies in the knowledge that when you work a route it's easy to see the possibility of a send. It's equally easy to forget the impact of lactic acid, or so called "pump" and the difficulty of executing under stress. While climbing can be thought of as many different things, in it's finer forms it is, no doubt, a path to greater self awareness through focusing both body and mind to find the ability to finish.

Nonetheless, sport climbing does involve a degree of hanging around which leaves time for a joke or two... Foiled by pump, after three moves, Fredrik Sydstrand contemplates the impact of bouldering and its affect on his attempt to reclaim his route at Finnsvedsbergen, Stockholm.

1/500s, f/4.0, ISO 100, 175 mm © 2010 Shawn Boye

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